Gas & Liquid Compression

Gas Compression

By compressing the gas you can store it under high pressure. You can then release this gas at another time, for example when performing a leak test. A gas is compressed by a booster. Resato and EHL supply both air driven and hydraulic boosters.

Liquid Compression

Compressing liquids is a slightly more complex process than gas. A pump is used to compress a liquid. Resato and EHL have a wide range of pumps. Due to the breadth of the range, we are able to supply a pump for almost every situation.

To increase pressure, a medium is compressed. The volume of a medium in an object is reduced by compression and by adding medium in the created space the pressure in the object becomes higher. During compression, the temperature of the medium can increase or decrease considerably because energy is being added. It is important that this temperature is regulated by a dryer or cooling system to minimize equipment wear and tear. We can recommend and supply various boosters and pumps to compress both gasses and fluids. Intensifiers can enhance the compression effect.

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