EHL Group sponsor Lions Club’s A-Mazing Fundraiser.


Every year The Inglewood Lions Club undertake a mammoth task in creating a maze made up of 630,000 maize plants, which cover three hectares, as a key fundraiser.

The Club enlists different sponsors and they come in and plow the ground, manure the ground and spray it and then one of the main sponsors comes in and plants it. They cross sow it so there is a real thickness to the maize.

Since the maze first opened in 2001 it has raised about $200,000 for the community.

Every year the Inglewood Lions Club (NZ) undertake a mammoth task in creating a maze made up of 630,000 maize plants, which cover three hectares, as a key fundraiser.

The Club enlists different sponsors and they come in and plow the ground, manure the ground and spray it and then one of the main sponsors comes in and plants it. They cross sow it so there is a real thickness to the maize.

The maze is designed by Tom McEwan. Then the team go to the field and lay it out.

There is a very technical system. The team come out here with the plan drawn on graph paper and every square is two metres and the track is marked out with a spray can and tape measure. It’s not a traditional maze that goes round and round into the centre.

Instead people follow a story. Last year it was Jack in the Beanstalk,

Since the maze first opened in 2001 it has raised about $200,000 for the community.

Each sponsor is named on a post within the maze and to spot all of them and go into the weekly proze draw is a 3.5-kilometre walk and can take nearly an hour. Recently themed maze nights have also been introduced to add to the experience of completing the maze!

EHL Group (Taranaki) was pleased to be one of the 2021 sponsors of this event.

Fright Night at the 2021 Maize Maze

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